Performance Tips: Preparing for a Show
You auditioned well, you got the part and you’ve been killing it in rehearsals. Now it’s tech week and your show is around the corner. How do you make sure you ready to go physically AND mentally? A few additions to your normal routine can ensure that you give the performance of a lifetime and have a blast while doing it, no matter your age OR level of experience.
#1. Hydrate!
The water you drink 48 hours before your show is the water that hydrates you in the performance–NOT the bottle you chug right before you go on stage. Up your water intake at least two weeks before. Singers should be drinking at least a half gallon per day. (And honestly, you should work up to one gallon.) If you wait until the day of your show to drown yourself, you’ll just end up having to pee a lot while in costume. Start drinking that water now and getting used to it early on in the process.
#2. Stay Healthy!
So, it’s inevitable that someone will get sick show week. But that someone does NOT have to be you. I am a HUGE proponent for holistic treatments in general, but for performers I feel they are a must. Stay off sugar (which multiplies sick cells) and caffeine (which dries out your throat.) If you see a chiropractor, go get adjusted. Drink lots of herbal tea, eat well and don’t stay up screaming on the phones with your friend the night before your show! Eating clean and taking care of your health will help you in every area of your life, including your performances.
#3. Get Extra Sleep!
Nothing is better for the voice than rest. So I suggest not just getting enough sleep the week of a show, but EXTRA if you can. Now, I know that can be difficult with late nights in the theater, but sneak some extra ZZs when you can. Sleep helps the body to rid itself of inflammation. And swollen vocal cords can be a problem when you’re about to sing for 2-3 hours straight.
#4. Trust!
This might the most important. You have the ability to mentally make or break your performance. So, turn on those positive vibes and trust yourself! If you’ve done your work along the way, you are ready to go. Get EXCITED about the amazing opportunity you have in front of you to share your passion with the world. I like to say the following mantras to my casts before their shows: “Trust yourself, trust the music, trust the process, trust each other.” Say a little prayer if that works for you or take some deep breaths. Visualize what you want this performance to be and how you want it to go. Know that you were cast for a reason–because YOU were the person that was meant to tell this story. Revel in that and go out there and knock ‘em dead!
If you do these four steps prior to your show, I can assure you, you’ll not only be show ready, but you will most likely will have the performance that you have dreamed of. Break-a-leg! I know you can do it.