
2020 Year In Review: Reflecting on this year at...
I have had “write blog for 2020” on my list of things to do for about three weeks now. And here I sit in front of my Christmas tree this...
2020 Year In Review: Reflecting on this year at...
I have had “write blog for 2020” on my list of things to do for about three weeks now. And here I sit in front of my Christmas tree this...
Recap: Artistree Performing Arts Presents Mamma...
“Tonight the Supertrooper beams are gonna blind me……” Can NOT get that song out of my head as I am in a state of happy exhaustion after our High School...
Recap: Artistree Performing Arts Presents Mamma...
“Tonight the Supertrooper beams are gonna blind me……” Can NOT get that song out of my head as I am in a state of happy exhaustion after our High School...
The View from the Casting Table: Casting 101
It’s casting season once again at Artistree and as I’m in the midst of casting four shows in two weeks, I have a few things to say on the subject....
The View from the Casting Table: Casting 101
It’s casting season once again at Artistree and as I’m in the midst of casting four shows in two weeks, I have a few things to say on the subject....
Artistree Performing Arts Presents Mary Poppins
“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and SNAP, the job’s a game!” These iconic words from “Mary Poppins” couldn’t...
Artistree Performing Arts Presents Mary Poppins
“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and SNAP, the job’s a game!” These iconic words from “Mary Poppins” couldn’t...
How to Get Into College for Musical Theater
As Fall approaches and the temperatures drop (finally), I am usually so excited for the start of school and the start of our Fall season here at Artistree. However this...
How to Get Into College for Musical Theater
As Fall approaches and the temperatures drop (finally), I am usually so excited for the start of school and the start of our Fall season here at Artistree. However this...
Why Your Child Has to Start Dancing Now
As August is here and summer is slowing coming to an end, I start to think about the beginning of a new school year. The excitement, anticipation and often dread...
Why Your Child Has to Start Dancing Now
As August is here and summer is slowing coming to an end, I start to think about the beginning of a new school year. The excitement, anticipation and often dread...